C# Cheatsheet - Advanced

Script written by Derek Banas (http://www.newthinktank.com) | Watch the online video tutorial here!

Reorganized by cozyplanes (https://cozyplanes.github.io)

C# Cheatsheet - AdvancedPart 1 - C# Basics1. Namespaces, Main, Input, Output, Loops, Command Line Arguments, Arrays, Data Types, DateTime, TimeSpan, BigInteger, Formatting, Strings, String Functions, and Functions2. Implicit Typing, Casting, For, For Each and Arrays and StringBuilder3. If, Else, Else If, Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Ternary Operator, Switch, Break, Continue, Goto, While Do While, Convert, Try, Catch, Finally and Exception Handling4. Methods, Pass by Value versus Pass by Reference, Out Parameter, Params, Named Parameters, Method Overloading, and Enum5. Classes, Methods, Fields, Constructors, Static Classes, Methods and Fields, Structs and Nullable Types6. public, private, protected, constants, read-only fields, constructors, setters, getters, properties and static7. Protected, Inheritance, Aggregations, Virtual, Override, Super Classes, Inner Classes, New, Base, and Polymorphism8. Break time : Simple OOP Warrior GamePart 2 - C# Advanced9. Abstract Classes, Virtual Methods, Abstract Methods, Override, Base Classes, Is, As, Casting, and more about Polymorphism10. Abstract Methods, Inheriting an Interface, How to Create Flexible Designs, and the Command Design Pattern11. C# Collections : ArrayLists, Dictionaries, Queues, and Stacks12. Generic Collections, Generic Methods, Generic Structs, and Delegates13. Manipulating Lists with LINQ Extension Methods : Lambda, Where, ToList, Select, Zip, Aggregate, Average, All, Any, Distinct, Except, Intersect14. IEnumerable, Indexer, Enumerator, Operator Overloading, Custom Casting, Anonymous Types15. From, Where, Orderby, Select, In, Inner Joins, Group Inner Join, Equals and using LINQ with multiple different collections16. Thread Basics, Sleep, Lock, Priority, Pass Data to a Thread17. File System, File, DirectoryInfo, FileInfo, FileStream, StreamWriter, StreamReader, BinaryWriter, BinaryReader18. Serialization, Serialize, Deserialize, BinaryFormatter, XmlSerializerPart 3 - C# GUI19. WPF, XAML, Properties, MessageBox, Event Handling, Resources, Layout Managers20. Menu Bars, DockPanels, Icons, ScrollViewer, Fonts, Grid Layout21. Toolbars, Toolbar Trays, Combo Boxes, Icons22. Minimal Paint Application (1), Calendar, Tab Controls, Capturing Key Events23. Document API, FlowDocumentReader, FlowDocumentPageViewer, FlowDocumentScrollViewer, RichTextBox24. Minimal Paint Application (2), Canvas, Line, Ellipse, RectanglesPart 4 - C# Misc25. Setup SQL Server, Create Tables, SSMS, Visual Studio 2017, App.config, Connecting to SQL Server with C

Part 1 - C# Basics

1. Namespaces, Main, Input, Output, Loops, Command Line Arguments, Arrays, Data Types, DateTime, TimeSpan, BigInteger, Formatting, Strings, String Functions, and Functions


2. Implicit Typing, Casting, For, For Each and Arrays and StringBuilder


3. If, Else, Else If, Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Ternary Operator, Switch, Break, Continue, Goto, While Do While, Convert, Try, Catch, Finally and Exception Handling


4. Methods, Pass by Value versus Pass by Reference, Out Parameter, Params, Named Parameters, Method Overloading, and Enum


5. Classes, Methods, Fields, Constructors, Static Classes, Methods and Fields, Structs and Nullable Types


6. public, private, protected, constants, read-only fields, constructors, setters, getters, properties and static


7. Protected, Inheritance, Aggregations, Virtual, Override, Super Classes, Inner Classes, New, Base, and Polymorphism


8. Break time : Simple OOP Warrior Game



Part 2 - C# Advanced

9. Abstract Classes, Virtual Methods, Abstract Methods, Override, Base Classes, Is, As, Casting, and more about Polymorphism


10. Abstract Methods, Inheriting an Interface, How to Create Flexible Designs, and the Command Design Pattern


11. C# Collections : ArrayLists, Dictionaries, Queues, and Stacks


12. Generic Collections, Generic Methods, Generic Structs, and Delegates


13. Manipulating Lists with LINQ Extension Methods : Lambda, Where, ToList, Select, Zip, Aggregate, Average, All, Any, Distinct, Except, Intersect


14. IEnumerable, Indexer, Enumerator, Operator Overloading, Custom Casting, Anonymous Types


15. From, Where, Orderby, Select, In, Inner Joins, Group Inner Join, Equals and using LINQ with multiple different collections


16. Thread Basics, Sleep, Lock, Priority, Pass Data to a Thread


17. File System, File, DirectoryInfo, FileInfo, FileStream, StreamWriter, StreamReader, BinaryWriter, BinaryReader


18. Serialization, Serialize, Deserialize, BinaryFormatter, XmlSerializer


Part 3 - C# GUI

19. WPF, XAML, Properties, MessageBox, Event Handling, Resources, Layout Managers


20. Menu Bars, DockPanels, Icons, ScrollViewer, Fonts, Grid Layout


21. Toolbars, Toolbar Trays, Combo Boxes, Icons


22. Minimal Paint Application (1), Calendar, Tab Controls, Capturing Key Events


23. Document API, FlowDocumentReader, FlowDocumentPageViewer, FlowDocumentScrollViewer, RichTextBox


24. Minimal Paint Application (2), Canvas, Line, Ellipse, Rectangles


Part 4 - C# Misc

25. Setup SQL Server, Create Tables, SSMS, Visual Studio 2017, App.config, Connecting to SQL Server with C